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Posts Tagged ‘Amarillo TX Chiropractor’

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We look forward to serving you! Call - (806) 468-9760.

Breaking the Spell – Nutrition & Weight Loss

Nutrition Amarillo TX Weight Loss

Do sugary treats make you cackle with joy and send spells of disdain towards your waistline? Unfortunately, one of our favorite candy-filled holidays is upon us, as the retail world likes to remind us. As in all ghoulish fairy tales, the wicked witch ensnares us with tantalizing sugar laden tricks that do not fool our ...


The Edge On Athletic Performance

Athletic Performance Amarillo TX Sports Injury

What Does Your Posture Say?

Amarillo Ergonomics

Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature?   As a tribute to one of our favorite movies, the Karate Kid,  from the 1980s, I would like reference one of my first encounters of understanding a Bonsai tree.   The ancient Japanese art form of growing Bonsai trees is fascinating. Bonsai trees are essentially normal ...


Core Success of Health Goals

Amarillo Weight Training

For the fourth time in two days, an advertisement to the local gym runs through the homepage of your Facebook.  You have committed that this is the year of my best body, so you stop scrolling quickly call to join. It’s hard work, it hurts and could be slightly embarrassing, but in our minds, we are ...


Win The Day!

No Excuses Amarillo TX

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